Thursday, November 6, 2008


It has come to my attention, that while Regular Joes services a purpose, nay, the community at large; just exactly how and why this site was started, has puzzled more then a few. The short answer is two fold: 1) that all guys (and even some gals) find all potty humor funny, and 2) as I've gotten older I've noticed a distinct correspondence between drinking coffee and having going "number two." An lesser, indirect factor has been the lack of a viable outlet for discussion on these issues.

The longer answer is threefold:

1) The Regulars – I saw this commercial on TV several years back, which only now resonates with me. I believe it was called “the regulars,” and it was for a bran cereal, Metamucil or something similar. Basic gist: Three guys walk into a three stall bathroom (greeting each other) every single morning at the exact same time. It seemed preposterous at the time, but now – I am one of those guys. Granted, I don’t have a bathroom clique, crew, or any thing like that, but I do have a similar experience everyday right after my second cup of coffee.

2) The Rant – Back when I first began working in the real world, a friend of mine (who was in shock from the transition into the workforce) sent the “Why we all drink” rant from Craig’s List… I didn’t stop laughing for days. Truth be told, there is only one paragraph that relates to RJ, but its literary masterpiece regardless. The success of this rant directly influenced my decision to go public with RJ.

3) The Final Straw – Background: I switched offices a few years back, and to my chagrin it is located next door to the training office. This is both good and bad. The good part about being in this office is that it is conveniently located next to one of the nicest restrooms in the building (and there are over 300). Something you may or may not find surprising, the quality of bathrooms throughout the office has a larger disparity then the wage gap. In that, of the over 300 restrooms located within the four building campus, there are only a handful in which you’d feel any level of comfort with only one seat cover between your ass and seat. There are some drawbacks to a nice restroom: there is a lot of foot traffic, noise, trash, annoying people asking for directions, etc. But the worst part is the sheer quantity of users grows exponentially in relation to bathroom’s quality – you’d be surprised how far people will go to… uh, go – this can detract from the restroom’s overall appeal. On the upside, being so close to training means that it gets cleaned regularly and thoroughly, being that training offers a lot of classes for customers as well as employees.

This is where my conflict begins: on my very first day in the office, I took a stroll to see what type of equipment I’d be working with at my designated water closet… RESTROOM CLOSED FOR CLEANING sign greeted me. Huh? Oh well. So I did some research and located a couple alternates in case I ever ran into this situation again (you always need a game plan just in case you have an emergency situation). Very next day, same sign!? Fast forward four years, and I’ve had this problem at least once a week! Right after my second cup of coffee, I walk around the corner and I have a 1-in-5 chance of being detoured. More often then not, when I do get in I’ll have either just beat the cleaning guy in (which gives you the strange mix of emotions - satisfaction/ embarrassment/ sympathy) or see him on his way out. The later being the idle situation; not only do you get a freshly cleaned bathroom, but usually he leaves behind a WET FLOOR sign in the doorway which can scare away less experienced Joes and leave you to do your business in peace.

It was striking number of times I’ve run into this cleaning situation that was the final straw in determining whether to start this blog or not. Surely I am not the only one who needs a place to vent about and every day issue such as this.

So there it is my friends: the hows and whys that brought RJ into being. Now that you know the story, let me lay down a few ground rules:

- Keep it clean – yes, at times this can be dirty subject matter, but lets be adults when it comes to our language.
- This is not a trophy case – this it about funny or annoying stories/situations that occur in or around restrooms, not place for you to display or describe your prizing winning turd.
- Have an open mind – not all of the posts will peek your interest. If you find one that’s not to your liking, just move on to the next one and try not to be offended.

- Lastly, take part.

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